Walter Brogan

, 2017, 'Greek tragedy and the ethopoietic event', Epoché 22 (1), 29-38.

, 2012, 'The middle voice of Charles Scott: the intimacy of attentiveness and the life of wonder', Epoché 17 (1), 89-97.

, 2011, 'On Giorgio Agamben's naked life: the state of exception and the law of the sovereign', Epoché 16 (1), 113-124.

, 2009, 'Generosity and reserve: the choric space of the good in Plato's philosophy', Epoché 13 (2), 407-413.

, 1988a, Heidegger's "searching suggestion' concerning Nietzsche, in J. Sallis, G. Moneta & J. Taminiaux (eds.), The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, the first ten years, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 149-158.