John L. Bell

, 2011, The axiom of choice in the foundations of mathematics, in G. Sommaruga (ed.), Foundational theories of classical and constructive mathematics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 157-169.

with Sommaruga, G. , 2011, Conclusion: a perspective on future research in fom, in G. Sommaruga (ed.), Foundational theories of classical and constructive mathematics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 311-314.

, 2005a, 'Divergent conceptions of the continuum in 19th and early 20th century mathematics and philosophy', Axiomathes 15 (1), 63-84.

, 2005b, 'Oppositions and paradoxes in mathematics and philosophy', Axiomathes 15 (2), 165-180.

, 2004, 'Whole and part in mathematics', Axiomathes 14 (4), 285-294.

, 2001a, 'Observations on category theory', Axiomathes 12 (1-2), 151-155.