Joseph S. Alper

with Bridger, M. , 2002, 'Two ways of looking at a Newtonian supertask', Synthese 131 (2), 173-189.

with Bridger, M. , Earman, J. , Norton, J. D. , 2000, 'What is a Newtonian system?: the failure of energy conservation and determinism in supertasks', Synthese 124 (2), 281-293.

with Bridger, M. , 1999, 'On the dynamics of Perez Lauraudogoitia's supertask', Synthese 119 (3), 325-337.

with Bridger, M. , 1998, 'Newtonian supertasks: a critical analysis', Synthese 114 (2), 355-369.

with Bridger, M. , 1997a, 'Mathematics, models and Zeno's paradoxes', Synthese 110 (1), 143-166.