Hubert L Dreyfus

, 2012, Introductory essay: the mystery of the background qua background, in Z. Radman (ed.), Knowing without thinking, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-10.

with Spinosa, C. , 2004, Highway bridges and feasts: Heidegger and Borgmann on how to affirm technology, in D. Moran & L. Embree (eds.), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy IV, London, Routledge, pp. 64-82.

, 2002a, 'Intelligence without representation: Merleau-Ponty's critique of mental representation the relevance of phenomenology to scientific explanation', Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1 (4), 367-383.

, 2002b, 'Refocusing the question: can there be skillful coping without propositional representations or brain representations?', Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1 (4), 413-425.

with Spinosa, C. , 1999, 'Coping with things-in-themselves: A practice-based phenomenological argument for realism', Inquiry 42 (1), 49-78.

, 1997, Artificial intelligence, in L. Embree (ed.), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp. 34-39.

, 1994, Den Geist konstruieren vs. Das Gehirn modellieren: Die KI kehrt zu einem Scheideweg zurück, in G. Cyranek & W. Coy (Hrsg.), Die maschinelle Kunst des Denkens, Wiesbaden, Vieweg+Teubner, pp. 215-230.

with Rubin, J. , 1994, 'Kierkegaard on the nihilism of the present age: the case of commitment as addiction', Synthese 98 (1), 3-19.

with Dreyfus, , 1993, Frictionless forecasting is a fiction, in N. Åkerman (ed.), The necessity of friction, Heidelberg, Physica, pp. 311-326.

, 1992, What computers still can't do: A critique of artifical reason, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

, 1991a, Being-in-the-world, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

, 1991b, 'Husserl et les sciences cognitives', Les études philosophiques - nouvelle série 46, 1-29.

, 1991c, 'L'épiphénoménologie de Husserl', Les études philosophiques - nouvelle série 46, 57-77.

, 1991d, Socratic and platonic sources of cognitivism, in J. Smith (ed.), Historical foundations of cognitive science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-17.

with Dreyfus, , 1991a, Making a mind versus modelling the brain: artificial intelligence back at the Branchpoint, in M. Negrotti (ed.), Understanding the artificial, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 33-54.

with Dreyfus, , 1991b, 'Towards a phenomenology of ethical expertise', Human Studies 14 (4), 229-250.

, 1989, Alternative philosophical conceptualizations of psychopathology, in H. Durfee & D. F. T. Rodier (eds.), Phenomenology and beyond, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 41-50.

, 1988, Husserl's epiphenomenology, in H. Otto & J. Tuedio (eds.), Perspectives on mind, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 85-104.

, 1986a, Alternative philosophische Konzeptionen in der Psychopathologie, in A. Métraux & B. Waldenfels (Hrsg.), Leibhaftige Vernunft, München, Fink, pp. 276-288.

, 1986b, Why studies of human capacities modeled on ideal natural science can never achieve their goal, in J. Margolis, M. Krausz & R. M. Burian (eds.), Rationality, relativism and the human sciences, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 3-22.

with Rabinow, P. , 1984, Michel Foucault: Un parcours philosophique, Gallimard, Paris.

with Rabinow, P. , 1983, Michel Foucault: Beyond structuralism and hermeneutics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

, 1982a, Husserl's perceptual noema, in H. L. Dreyfus (ed.), Husserl, intentionality and cognitive science, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, pp. 97-123.

, 1982b, Introduction [Husserl, intentionality and cognitive science], in H. L. Dreyfus (ed.), Husserl, intentionality and cognitive science, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, pp. 1-27.

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