International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles

G. Fodor, Das hoffnungslose Meisterwerk, Essays zur Musikphilosophie

Veronika Kovács

pp. 169-172

Das hoffnungslose Meisterwerk [The Hopeless Masterpiece] by Géza Fodor is without doubt a unique work of Hungarian aesthetic theory. On the one hand it is a representative piece of Hungarian musicology. It is important to mention that musicology or philosophy of music does not exist in Hungary as an advanced and canonical aesthetic discipline. That is why it does not have a tradition either with its own authorities and accepted analytical methods. From this perspective, Fodor’s works may signify a decisive moment for the future development of the discipline in Hungary.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/s11212-008-9048-9

Full citation:

Kovács, V. (2008). Review of G. Fodor, Das hoffnungslose Meisterwerk, Essays zur Musikphilosophie. Studies in East European Thought 60 (1-2), pp. 169-172.

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