International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles


(2012) Astérion 10.

Gattinara et la "monarchie impériale" de Charles Quint

Entre millénarisme, translatio imperii et droits du Saint-Empire

Spreading the universal monarchy myth in the early 16th century was closely linked to the magnitude of the territories controlled by Charles V. For the imperial chancellor Mercurino Gattinara, universal and messianic ideas, which were integrated into the symbolism of the Empire, were to legitimate a policy that aimed at giving a more rational structure to Charles’ territories and at securing a prominent influence for the Habsburg family in the whole of Europe. Gattinara imagined a kind of supranational monarchy, organised in accordance with the mythical model of the Roman Empire, which would be able to guarantee peace under the aegis of Christianity.

Publication details

DOI: 10.4000/asterion.2250

Full citation:

(). Gattinara et la "monarchie impériale" de Charles Quint: Entre millénarisme, translatio imperii et droits du Saint-Empire. Astérion 10, pp. n/a.

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