International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Craig Brandist

From literary theory to cultural studies


in: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West, Berlin : de Gruyter

From Indo-European philology to the Bakhtin circle


in: Bakhtinian explorations of Indian culture, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link
Introduction: the "Bakhtin Circle' in its own time and ours


Studies in East European Thought 67/3-4

Open Access Link

Studies in East European Thought 67/3-4

The Bakhtin Circle in its time and ours


Problems of sense, significance, and validity in the work of Shpet and the Bakhtin circle


in: Gustav Shpet's contribution to philosophy and cultural theory, West Lafayette : Purdue University Press

Language and its social functions in early Soviet thought


Studies in East European Thought 60/4

Open Access Link

Studies in East European Thought 60/4

Language and its social functions in early Soviet thought


The Vygotsky and Bakhtin circles: explaining the convergence


in: Language in action, Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press

The place of the institute for the comparative history of the literatures and languages of the West and East (ILIaZV)


in: Bachtin, Europa, Wiek Dwudziesty, Kraków : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

The rise of Soviet sociolinguistics from the ashes of Völkerpsychologie


Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 17/3

Introduction: thinking culture dialogically


with Bostad Finn, Evensen Lars, Faber Hege Charlotte

in: Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan

Open Access Link
Law and the genres of discourse: The Bakhtin circle's theory of language and the phenomenology of right


in: From Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan

Open Access Link
Law and the genres of discourse: the Bakhtin circle's theory of language and the phenomenology of right


in: Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan

Open Access Link
R. Bracht Branham (ed.), Bakhtin and the classics


Studies in East European Thought 56/1

Open Access Link
Introduction: Thinking culture dialogically


with Bostad Finn, Evensen Lars, Faber Hege Charlotte

in: From Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan

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