International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles

Reflections on Averintsev's method

Olga Sedakova

pp. 73-84

The author represents Averintsev's thought as a response to, and commentary on, Russia's Silver Age, and describes his particular method of seeing and understanding. The article considers his response to the cultural context in which he worked, focusing mainly on Averintsev's language, style and syntax, and linking it with his ideal of equilibrium. Finally, the article moves on to Averintsev's criticism of thinking in polarities.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/s11212-005-4622-x

Full citation:

Sedakova, O. (2006). Reflections on Averintsev's method. Studies in East European Thought 58 (2), pp. 73-84.

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