International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles

Martin Heidegger and Russian symbolist philosophy

Robert Bird

pp. 85-108

In this paper Russian Symbolist philosophy is represented primarily by Viacheslav Ivanov (1866--1949), but its conclusions are intended to be valid for other philosophers we classify as Symbolist, including Nikolai Berdiaev and S. L. Frank. It is posited that, by comparing Ivanov's cosmology, aesthetics, and anthropology to those of Martin Heidegger, one can reconceive of Symbolist philosophy as an existential hermeneutic. This, it is claimed, can help to identify a common basis among the Symbolist philosophers, and also to place Russian thought in the context of modern European philosophy and vice versa.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1023/A:1008634910924

Full citation:

Bird, R. (1999). Martin Heidegger and Russian symbolist philosophy. Studies in East European Thought 51 (2), pp. 85-108.

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