International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles

Intersubjetividade e modo de exposição no "primeiro' Fichte

João Geraldo Martins

This article aims at presenting Fichte’s conception of reason and (natural) right in relation to the problem of inter-subjectivity as it can be found in his philosophy of right from 1796. For this purpose, I will reconstruct the second theorem of Fichte’s deduction of right in his Grundlage des Naturrechts and then critically compare the results of this moment in the deduction with A. Honneth’s project of a re-actualization of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.

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Full citation:

Geraldo Martins, J. (2011). Intersubjetividade e modo de exposição no "primeiro' Fichte. Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 2, pp. n/a.

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