International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Book | Chapter


(1990) Georg Simmel and contemporary sociology, Dordrecht, Springer.

Four concepts of social science at Berlin university

Dilthey, Lazarus, Schmoller and Simmel

Klaus Christian Köhnke

pp. 99-107

On the faculty of philosophy of Berlin University in the late nineteenth century there were three exponents of three different concepts of social science. Two of them were professors of the highest rank, all three were already of the highest merit, when the thirty-two-year-old Georg Simmel worked on his first book "On Social Differentiation" (1890).1

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-0459-0_7

Full citation:

Köhnke, K.C. (1990)., Four concepts of social science at Berlin university: Dilthey, Lazarus, Schmoller and Simmel, in M. Kaern, B. S. Phillips & R. S. Cohen (eds.), Georg Simmel and contemporary sociology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 99-107.

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