International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Book | Chapter

The aesthetic

chronology of the 1956–1966 discussions and its philosophical framework

Edward Swiderski

pp. 71-86

What is today commonly referred to by Soviet aestheticians as the esteticeskoe discussion took place during the decade 1956–1966. As stated in the Introduction and in Chapter I (1.2) the estetičeskoe discussion was the classic Soviet controversy about the philosophical foundations of aesthetics. Not only did this discussion thematize long-neglected but important questions (e.g. the nature of the beautiful), but it drew into the open some of the essential difficulties in conceptualizing aesthetic phenomena in Marxist-Leninist terms and categories.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-9434-8_3

Full citation:

Swiderski, E. (1979). The aesthetic: chronology of the 1956–1966 discussions and its philosophical framework, in The philosophical foundations of Soviet aesthetics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 71-86.

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