International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles


(2011) AUC Interpretationes 1 (1).

L'anthropologie et l'anthropologisation du savoir avant la mort de l'homme

Filippa Silveira

pp. 173-184

This article fits into the larger context of a research on the issue of human being and the possibility of anthropology nowadays, and is inspired mainly from Michel Foucault’s and Martin Heidegger’s thought. Within the framework of these different approaches to the problem, the reference to Kant is an important crossing point. Thus, the aim here is to analyze Foucault’s text on Kant’s anthropology, Introduction a l’Anthropologie, where we can find certain elements that anticipate the death of man and also the critique of the anthropologisation of knowledge that is to follow a few years later. The most important issues are the possibility of a co-ownership between anthropology and the critical philosophy and the incompatibility between the universal and the empirical determination of human nature. The challenge of the current anthropological reflection seems to be the abandonment of the founding function of anthropology rather than the pragmatic dimension opened by Kant.

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Full citation:

Silveira, F. (2011). L'anthropologie et l'anthropologisation du savoir avant la mort de l'homme. AUC Interpretationes 1 (1), pp. 173-184.

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