International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Calendar | Workshop

Workshop: Edmund Husserl's and Alexander Pfänder's Female Scholars: Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Edith Stein and Gerda Walther

Paderborn, 2 - 6 December 2019

Official Website

At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of researchers started to form around the phenomenologists Edmund Husserl in Göttingen/Freiburg and Alexander Pfänder in Munich that discussed the teachings of both lecturers.
This group was unique at the time because women had been part of it from the beginning, working on the area of phenomenology and, through the influence of their teachers, developing it further. Part of this group were Edith Stein, a student of Edmund Husserl, Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Gerda Walther, students of Alexander Pfänder. In this workshop we will read selected texts of the three female phenomenologists and analyse, interpret and discuss the philosophical approaches and the influences of their teachers.
This workshop is a cooperation between Prof. Ronny Miron and Amir Winer from Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Prof. Mette Lebech from Maynooth University, Ireland, and Julia Mühl, coordinator of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University, Germany. For further information please contact: