International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles


(2012) Human Studies 35 (2).

Harold Garfinkel, 29 october 1917–21 april 2011

Giolo Fele

pp. 153-155

With the death of Harold Garfinkel another of the masters of the last century has left us. Garfinkel was the founding father of ethnomethodology, and nobody today concerned with the meaning of social action can gainsay the deeply innovative, indeed revolutionary, work carried forward by Garfinkel for at least 60 years.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/s10746-012-9221-5

Full citation:

Fele, G. (2012). Harold Garfinkel, 29 october 1917–21 april 2011. Human Studies 35 (2), pp. 153-155.

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