International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles


Lasciare tracce, controllare il mondo

Alessandra Fussi

pp. 275-286

In this paper I discuss some moral implications of Ferraris’ theory of documents. I address, firstly, his theory of knowledge and its relationship with the concepts of freedom and responsibility; secondly, the notion of “leaving trace” in its connection with memory, identity, and the desire for honour and recognition. Finally, I surmise that the anthropological basis of “leaving trace” is the desire to gain control over the environment (as in animals marking their territory) as well as over the memory, the ethical attitudes, and the behaviours of others (through inscriptions).

Publication details

DOI: 10.4000/estetica.1495

Full citation:

Fussi, A. (2012). Lasciare tracce, controllare il mondo. Rivista di estetica 50, pp. 275-286.

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