International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles

Entre Revolución y Restauración

El Estado Comercial Cerrado de J. G. Fichte

Jorge Prendas Solano

In this paper I offer an analysis of some points to my view essential for understanding Fichte’s political thought. I mainly focus on the role of the state, the deduction of property and the proposed project of the closure of the commercial state. As a conclusion I present a brief consideration related to the political and economical history of Latin-America, which I think, can open new ways in the Fichte-Scholarship.

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Full citation:

Prendas Solano, J. (2013). Entre Revolución y Restauración: El Estado Comercial Cerrado de J. G. Fichte. Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 7, pp. n/a.

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