International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Book | Chapter


(1989) Phenomenological method, Dordrecht, Springer.

Transcendental phenomenological building up of quasi-objective space in primary passivity

Frederick Kersten

pp. 162-185

The last chapter made thematic some of the ways in which several prespatial sensum-fields are intended to and posited as continuously spread out wholes with differentiated parts. Objectivation of those spreads provides a basis for distinguishing between a broad and a narrow meaning of the term, "prespace." The former consists of positing the spreadoutness of a sensum-field as undergoing changes in sensa meant and intended to as identical in correlation with co-intendings to flows of kinaesthetic sensa-sequences; it is the phenomenological residuum attendant upon discriminative refraining from positings of the quasi-objective unities that function as quasi-objective appearances of the phantom organism, phantom tactual, visual and auditory appearances. The latter consists of positing the spreadoutness of a sensum-field as undergoing changes that do not include co-intendings to correlative flows of kinaesthetic sensa-sequences; it is the phenomenological residuum attendant upon still further discriminative refraining designated by the phrase, "setting kinaesthesia at zero." And just this last refraining is a clue to the building up analysis of the oriented constitution of the real, objective world and its spatio-temporal form.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-2265-5_6

Full citation:

Kersten, F. (1989). Transcendental phenomenological building up of quasi-objective space in primary passivity, in Phenomenological method, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 162-185.

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