International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles

Mimmo Paladino. Teatro del pensiero, teatro dell'oggetto

Davide Dal Sasso

pp. 59-68

In this paper I consider the relationship between concept— assuming that it’s embedded in artwork — and visual representation. To this end, I first examine some of Paladino’s artworks considering them as: very classical, expressivist, postmodernist and anti-conceptualist. Finally, I assume the exhibition in Torino is not only a tribute to Philosophy but also an exhortation to reflect on the complicated relationship between art and reality.

Publication details

DOI: 10.4000/estetica.2338

Full citation:

Dal Sasso, D. (2014). Mimmo Paladino. Teatro del pensiero, teatro dell'oggetto. Rivista di estetica 55 (supplemento), pp. 59-68.

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