International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles

Do olho que vê a si mesmo

Vida e Espírito na filosofia tardia de Fichte

Thiago S. Santoro

Using part of Fichte’s work produced in the last full year of the philosopher's life (1813), this article aims to indicate briefly and in a rather incipient form how the Doctrine of Science, on the full course of its development, establishes and maintain itself faithful to the establishment of a transcendental epistemology, revealing at the same time and through that the only access path to the ultimate reality that underlies any manifestation or cognitive phenomenon. The Fichtean speculation about the absolute knowledge in its late form seeks to affirm, on the one hand, the full unification of theoretical and practical philosophy under a common principle and, on the other, aims to point to the link between all knowledge and its unknowable foundation always through the first term, i.e., seeks to understand - anticipating the lines of a Husserlian phenomenology that will emerge only 200 years later - the radical transcendence of the Absolute itself through the immanence, also radical, of consciousness.

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Full citation:

Santoro, T. (2016). Do olho que vê a si mesmo: Vida e Espírito na filosofia tardia de Fichte. Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 11, pp. n/a.

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