International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles

Poética de la subjetividad y filosofía del absoluto

Sobre la recepción del pensamiento de Fichte en el primer romanticismo

Gonzalo Portales

The article tries to critically face the reductionist interpretation according to which Romanticism has been a mere political reaction in times of Restoration. It is discussed the so-called revolutionary period of Friedrich Schlegel, in relation to both 19th century politics as further development of the French Revolution, and aesthetics. It is also explored a new concept of subjectivity derived mainly from the romantic reception of Fichte’s philosophy.

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Full citation:

Portales, G. (2014). Poética de la subjetividad y filosofía del absoluto: Sobre la recepción del pensamiento de Fichte en el primer romanticismo. Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 9, pp. n/a.

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