International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Book | Chapter


(2014) Reclaiming the sane society, Rotterdam, SensePublishers.

Revisiting beyond the chains of illusion

Irene Rosenberg Javors

pp. 215-219

1970—Student protests against the Vietnam War, marches on Washington, police and National Guardsmen shooting at college kids because they dared to question domestic and foreign policies. At that time, I was a senior in college, torn between wanting to complete my undergraduate studies and the "call" to revolution. I was a history/political science major and taking a course on the Russian revolution.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-6209-607-3_14

Full citation:

Rosenberg Javors, I. (2014)., Revisiting beyond the chains of illusion, in S. Javad Miri, R. Lake & T. M. Kress (eds.), Reclaiming the sane society, Rotterdam, SensePublishers, pp. 215-219.

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