International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles


(2000) Synthese 124 (2).

What is a Newtonian system?

the failure of energy conservation and determinism in supertasks

Joseph S. Alper, Mark Bridger, John Earman , John D. Norton

pp. 281-293

Supertasks recently discussed in the literature purport to display a failure ofenergy conservation and determinism in Newtonian mechanics. We debatewhether these supertasks are admissible as Newtonian systems, with Earmanand Norton defending the affirmative and Alper and Bridger the negative.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1023/A:1005257429769

Full citation:

Alper, J. S. , Bridger, M. , Earman, J. , Norton, J. D. (2000). What is a Newtonian system?: the failure of energy conservation and determinism in supertasks. Synthese 124 (2), pp. 281-293.

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