International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Journal | Volume | Articles


(1997) Synthese 113 (3).

Measurement and the justification of the statistical postulate in bohm's causal interpretation of quantum mechanics

J. Subramanyam

pp. 423-445

I briefly sketch Bohm's causal interpretation (BCI) and its solution to the measurement problem. Crucial to BCI's no-collapse account of both ideal and non-ideal measurement is the existence of particles in addition to wavefunctions. The particles in their role as the producers of the observable experimental outcomes render practical considerations, such as what observables can be reasonably measured or how to get rid of interference terms in non-ideal measurements, secondary to BCI's account of measurement. I then explain why it is not easy for BCI to justify its statistical postulate. To successfully justify the postulate would be to solve the distribution problem. Two proposed deterministic solutions to this problem are only briefly set out and not discussed in detail. BCI can solve the measurement problem whether or not the distribution problem is solved. However, if the distribution problem is not solved, BCI cannot be shown to be empirically adequate.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1023/A:1005061321655

Full citation:

Subramanyam, J. (1997). Measurement and the justification of the statistical postulate in bohm's causal interpretation of quantum mechanics. Synthese 113 (3), pp. 423-445.

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