International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy



Tone Saevi

in English


with Eikeland, T. B. (2017). Beyond rational order: shifting the meaning of trust in organizational research. Human Studies 40 (4), pp. 603-636.

(2015)., Phenomenology in educational research: controversies, contradictions, confluences, in M. Brinkmann, R. Kubac & S. S. Rödel (eds.), Pädagogische Erfahrung, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 13-31.

with Henriksson, C. (2012)., "An event in sound", in N. Friesen, C. Henriksson & T. Saevi (eds.), Hermeneutic phenomenology in education, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 55-78.

with Friesen, N. , Henriksson, C. (eds) (2012). Hermeneutic phenomenology in education: method and practice, Springer, Dordrecht.