International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

John Dudley

(1984). Leo J. Elders, De Metafysica van St. Thomas van Aquino in Historisch Perspectief. I. Het gemeenschappelijke zijnde [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 82 (54), 283-284.

(1983). J. Verhaeghe, Het mensbeeld in de Aristotelische Ethiek [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 81 (49), 136-138.

(1983). Salvador Abascal, El Papa nunca ha sido ni sera hereje: Historia y doctrina [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 81 (50), 332-334.

(1983). Thorsteinn Gudjonsson, Dreams Are the Key to the Cosmos [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 81 (52), 663-664.

(1982). Études sur la "Métaphysique" d'Aristote: Actes du VIe Symposium aristotelicum [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 80 (45), 135-136.

(1982). Juan de Dios Vial Larraín, La filosofía de Aristóteles como teologia del acto [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 80 (45), 136-138.

(1982). La contemplation (θεωρία) humaine selon Aristote. Revue philosophique de Louvain, 80 (47), 387-413.

(1981). Enrico Berti, Profilo di Aristotele [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 79 (41), 101-101.

(1979). Anthony Kenny, The Aristotelian Ethics [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 77 (33), 96-99.

(1979). Trond Berg Eriksen, Bios Theoretikos [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 77 (33), 94-96.

(1978). Giancarlo Movia, Due studi sul "De Anima" di Aristotele [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 76 (29), 95-95.

(1978). Ingemar Düring, Aristotele [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 76 (29), 93-94.

(1978). Jacqueline de Romilly, The Rise and Fall of States according to Greek Authors [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 76 (29), 75-77.

(1977). Jesús García López, El conocimiento de Dios en Descartes [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 75 (27), 498-500.

(1976). Gallo Galli, Platone [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 74 (23), 444-444.

(1976). Gallo Galli, Sguardo sulla filosofia di Aristotele [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 74 (23), 452-452.

(1976). Gerard J. Smith, s.j., A trio of talks [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 74 (24), 678-678.

(1976). Giovanni Giraldi, Sui tragici greci [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 74 (23), 439-439.

(1975). Domenico Pesce, Saggio su Epicuro [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 73 (17), 195-196.

(1975). René Gerbault, Pourquoi je ne suis pas matérialiste [Review of the book , by ]. Revue philosophique de Louvain 73 (20), 696-697.