International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Catarina Dutilh Novaes



(kham). Ockham on supposition theory, mental language, and Angelic communication. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (3), pp. 415-434.

(2020). Carnapian explication and ameliorative analysis: a systematic comparison. Synthese 197 (3), pp. 1011-1034.

(2019). Axiomatizations of arithmetic and the first-order/second-order divide. Synthese 196 (7), pp. 2583-2597.

with Reck, E. (2017). Carnapian explication, formalisms as cognitive tools, and the paradox of adequate formalization. Synthese 194 (1), pp. 195-215.

(2012). Reassessing logical hylomorphism and the demarcation of logical constants. Synthese 185 (3), pp. 387-410.

(2012). Towards a practice-based philosophy of logic: formal languages as a case study. Philosophia Scientiae 16 (1), pp. 71-102.

(2006). Roger Swyneshed's obligationes: a logical game of inference recognition?. Synthese 151 (1), pp. 125-153.

(2005). Medieval obligationes as logical games of consistency maintenance. Synthese 145 (3), pp. 371-395.