International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy



Ernest LePore

in English


with Stone, M. (2018)., Slurs and tone, in A. Coliva, P. Leonardi & S. Moruzzi (eds.), Eva Picardi on language, analysis and history, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 205-217.

with Fodor, J. (2007). Brandom beleaguered. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 74 (3), pp. 677-691.

with Cappelen, H. (2006). Précis of insensitive semantics. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2), pp. 425-434.

with Cappelen, H. (2006). Replies. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2), pp. 469-492.

with Johnson, K. (2004)., Knowledge and semantic competence, in I. Niiniluoto, M. Sintonen & J. Woleński (eds.), Handbook of epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 707-731.

with Fodor, J. (2001). Brandom's burdens: compositionality and inferentialism. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (2), pp. 465-481.

with Fodor, J. (1994). What is the connection principle?. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54 (4), pp. 837-845.

with Searle, J. (1994). The connection principle and the ontology of the unconscious: a reply to Fodor and LePore. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54 (4), pp. 847-855.

with Fodor, J. (1993). Replies. Grazer Philosophische Studien 46, pp. 303-322.

with Fodor, J. (1993). Précis of holism: a shopper's guide. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53, pp. 637-640.

with Fodor, J. (1993). Reply to critics. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53, pp. 673-682.

with Loewer, B. (1989). What Davidson should have said. Grazer Philosophische Studien 36, pp. 65-78.