International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy



David Chesnet

with Alamargot, D. , Plane, S. , Lambert, E. (2010). Using eye and pen movements to trace the development of writing expertise: case studies of a 7th, 9th and 12th grader, graduate student, and professional writer. Reading and Writing 23 (7), pp. 853-888.

with Alamargot, D. , Dansac, C. , Ros, C. (2006). Eye and pen: a new device for studying reading during writing. Behavior Research Methods 38 (2), pp. 287-299.

with Alamargot, D. (2005). Analyse en temps réel des activités oculaires et grapho-motrices du scripteur: intérêt du dispositif. L'année psychologique 105 (3), pp. 477-520.