International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy

Series | Book


Springer, Dordrecht


469 Pages

ISBN 978-3-319-29423-0

Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
vol. 1

Logotherapy and existential analysis

Edited by

Alexander Batthyány

This landmark volume introduces the new series of proceedings from the Viktor Frankl Institute, dedicated to preserving the past, disseminating the present, and anticipating the future of Franklian existential psychology and psychotherapy, i.e. logotherapy and existentialanalysis . Wide-ranging contents keep readers abreast of current ideas, findings, and developments in the field while also presenting rarely-seen selections from Frankl's work. Established contributors report on new applications of existential therapies in specific (OCD, cancer, end-of-life issues) and universal (the search for meaning) contexts as well as intriguing possibilities for openingup dialogue with other schools of psychology. And this initial offering establishes the tenor of the series by presenting varied materials across the field, including: 

Volume 1 of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis will attract a wide audience, including psychologists (clinical, social, personality, positive), psychotherapists of different schools, psychiatrists in private practice, and researchers in these fields. Practitioners in counseling, pastoral psychology, coaching, and medical care will also welcome this new source of ideas and inspiration.


Publication details

Full citation:

Batthyány, A. (ed) (2016). Logotherapy and existential analysis, Springer, Dordrecht.

Table of Contents

Measuring purpose

Cotton Bronk Kendall


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The structural validity and internal consistency of a Spanish version of the purpose in life test

García-Alandete Joaquín; Sellés Nohales Pilar; Bernabé Valero Gloria; Soucase Lozano Beatriz


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Factorial structure of Längle's existence scale

Brouwers André; Tomic Welko


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Meanings of meaningfulness of life

Kreitler Shulamith


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Meaning and automatic stereotyping

Florez Ivonne A.; Schulenberg Stefan E.


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The pathogenesis of mental disorders

Lukas Elisabeth


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Relevance and application of logotherapy to enhance resilience to stress and trauma

Southwick Steven M.; Lowthert Bernadette T.; Graber Ann V.


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Family adaptation in families with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Noblejas Maria Ángeles; Maseda Pilar; Pérez Isabel; Pozo Pilar


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Logotherapy and post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)

Mollinedo de Moklebust Lucrecia


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Unimaginable pain

von Devivere Beate


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Logotherapy beyond psychotherapy

Leontiev Dmitry A.


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The world still cries for meaning

Evans William F.


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Laudatio for Eleonore Frankl

Leontiev Dmitry A.


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What are minds for?

Beloff John


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Towards a tri-dimensional model of happiness

Costello Stephen J.


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"Meaning until the last breath"

McLafferty Charles


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[Review] E. Shorter, Before prozac

Nassir Ghaemi S.


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[Review] The healing companion

Perring Christian


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[Review] Miguel De Unamuno, Tragic sense of life

Falcón Cooper Marianna D.


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The Viktor Frankl Institute vienna

Batthyány Alexander


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